About ethics hotline

Your valuable comments will be the cornerstone of our ethical management.

LS Ethics Hotline is designed for LS's ethical management and management improvements as a communication place which can be used by not only our employees but also all stakeholders including customers, shareholders and partners.
What to Report
  1. Misconduct · Corruption
    (demanding bribes & taking
    bribes, etc.)
  2. Unfair Business Practices
  3. Unfair trade practice
  4. Unfair dealings with Stakeholders
    (Equity participation and
    cash loan, etc.)
  5. Illegal · Improper use of Company Assets
  6. Sexual harassment and other offenses against a healthy organizational culture
  7. Business Improvements and Suggestions
Hotline Process
  • File the Report
  • Review the Report
  • Starting
  • Completing
  • Checking
    the results